The Batista-Brito Lab has been awarded a R01 by the NIH National Eye Institute to study the role of long-range inhibitory neurons on cortical organization and function
The Batista-Brito Lab has been awarded a R01 by National Eye Institute of the NIH to study the role of spontaneous activity towards the assembly and function of neocortical circuits
The Batista-Brito Lab has been awarded an R21 grant by NIMH to investigate abnormalities in top-down cortical processing and behavior in a model of the 22q11.2 deletion.
Jacob Ratliff and Ehsan Sabri are presenting posters at COSYNE 2024.
Geoffrey Terral was awarded a Leon Levy scholarship in neuroscience from the New York Academy of Sciences.
Geoffrey Terral was awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator award from the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.
Jacob Ratliff and Geoffrey Terral got the first prize for the Junior Investigator Neuroscience Research Award. from Einstein College of Medicine
The Batista-Brito Lab has been awarded a
Whitehall Foundation Research Grant.
Jacob Ratliff received an amazing score for his F31 fellowship application and secured a 5 year fellowship from the NIH.
José Moreno-Larios completed the Computational Neuroscience and the Deep Learning courses at Neuromatch Academy
Our work in collaboration with the Hjerling-Leffler lab on the postnatal regulation of cortical parvalbumin-expressing neurons by Sox6 has been accepted at the Journal of Neuroscience
Renata Batista-Brito has been awarded the 2020
BBRF Young Investigator.
Manal Salmi has been awarded a grant from the
Phillip Foundation.
Jacob Ratliff has been accepted to the Summer Workshop on the Dynamic Brain co-hosted by the Allen Institute for Brain Science and the Computational Neuroscience Center at the University of Washington.
Ehsan Sabri's work, on a project led by the Dimidschstein lab, has been accepted in Nature Neuroscience.
Claire Ward has been accepted to the interactive track of the Neuromatch Academy course this Summer.
Manal Salmi has been awarded the Sheryl and Dan Tishman Postdoctoral Fellowship
Claire Ward recieved an amazing score for her F31 fellowship application and secured a 5 year fellowship from the NIH.
Renata Batista-Brito published a recent paper on Developmental loss of MeCP2 from VIP interneurons with the Cardin lab on e-life.
Renata Batista-Brito was interviewed for a profile on the podcast Stories of WiN.
Yi Tian has been accepted to the University of Michigan for a Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering.
Diego Vazquez has been accepted into the Ph.D program in neuro-immunology at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin.
Renata Batista-Brito has collaborated with Gord Fishell to write an opinion in Neuron about a recent paper by the McBain lab.
Our lab was awarded the Bridge for Independence grant from the Simons foundation.
Claire Ward has published a book chapter on functional diversity of cortical interneurons.
Jacob Ratliff has published a review on the modulation of cortical circuits by top-down processing and arousal state in Current Opinion of Neurobiology.
Renata Batista-Brito has published a paper in Nature in collaboration with the Fishell and Satija labs on the developmental diversification of cortical inhibitory interneurons.
Renata Batista-Brito has been elected to the Allen Institute Next Generation Leaders Council.
Nisa Cuevas has been into the Ph.D program of the International Max Planck Research School for Neural Circuits.